Get Best Turkey VPS Hosting plans by Onlive Server
When you have your own physical server, it means that no one else can touch your equipment. That means no one else can accidentally (or purposefully) crash your system or network. This is called a dedicated server because you have complete control over it. However, a dedicated server also means a lot of work on your part; you need to pay someone to maintain it, and make sure it runs at full capacity all day long. That’s where Turkey VPS hosting comes in—you don’t need to worry about maintaining hardware or software because that’s our job! You simply tell us what resources you want and we take care of the building, securing, and maintaining them so that they are constantly available 24/7. Want more information? Check out our Turkey VPS packages today!
How does Onlive offer cheap Turkey VPS Hosting?
Here at Onlive, we know what it takes to offer you cheap and reliable Turkey VPS hosting. We own our services which mean we don’t have to pay a big company to maintain our servers and programs, plus we stay up-to-date on security so your information is safe. These qualities combine to make our Turkey VPS hosting incredibly reliable and therefore cheap. That way, you can enjoy cheap, uninterrupted service no matter what kind of internet you are using.
Why to Choose the Turkey VPS for Your Business
Turkey is a good location choice – While Turkey may not be top of mind when choosing locations for your virtual private server, there are plenty of reasons to choose it. The primary benefit you get from using Turkey is that it is outside of the big three areas in Europe: London, Frankfurt, and Amsterdam. Being able to place your VPS in a non-European country reduces latency and gives you an edge over other companies that have their servers located in one of many hot spots.
What are the Benefits of Turkey VPS Hosting?
The biggest benefit of Turkey VPS hosting is control. Turkey has a thriving tech community, and many Turkish companies are moving away from traditional hosting and towards self-hosted virtual private servers. When you host your server yourself, you can be sure that your business information is secure; nobody can see it or take it without your permission. As long as you know how to use a computer (and have some common sense), you should be able to maintain and secure your own servers. However, unlike other services, we offer in-depth technical support from our own technicians, so even if you don’t know how to do something yourself, there will always be someone available to help!
Onlive Server provides:
Website Backup & Restore
Website Migration
Email-Marketing System
Site Monitoring
24/7 Support
Live Chat
Toll Free Numbers
Control Panel
If they work well for you, then great! If not – no worries; it wasn’t anything you had to pay for. Either way, our customer service team is always available via phone or chat to help if needed.
To ensure that you’re getting the best possible deal on Linux shared hosting, we’ve compiled a list of recommendations for you. Be sure to read through them before making your choice!